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Supporting learning at home

If your child is unable to attend school but it feeling well enough to do some school work there is plenty of options that can be accessed from home.

Mathletics - - All pupils from Year 1-6 have logins for Mathletics.  Once the work set by the teachers has been completed the pupils have access to all the activities as well as the online challenges.

Spellodrome - This has the same login details as Mathletics and can be accessed from within Mathletics as well as directly from: 

This website offers some great games and activities to practise the spellings set by the teachers.

TimesTable Rockstars - - All pupils from Year 1-6 have logins to access TimesTable Rockstars.  It is a fun way to practise timetables at home.

BBC Bitesize is a great resource online with games and activities across the curriculum.

KS1 -

KS2 -