Contact Us
Highfield South Farnham
Weydon Lane
Telephone: 01252 721079
Fax: 01252 734870
Email: info.highfield@sfet.org.uk
Headteacher: Mr Gregory West
Mr G. West
Deputy Headteacher:
Mrs J. Stonehill
Assistant Headteacher and SENDCO:
Mrs T. Thorne
Mrs E. Owen
Nursery Manager:
Mrs N. Yassine
Administration Team:
Mr H. Jordan
Mrs R. Oates
To apply for a place at Highfield South Farnham, please contact Jayne Larsen (email: info.highfield@sfet.org.uk) to arrange a tour of the school and to meet with the Headteacher. The school also has regular open days which will be advertised on this website.
To apply for a place on the waiting list for the Nursery, please contact the school office (email: info.highfield@sfet.org.uk).
How to find us
- From A3 Southbound at Hog’s Back Junction branch left and merge onto the A31 Signposted Farnham.
- At Shepherd and Flock Roundabout take the first exit onto the A31 sign posted Winchester.
- At Traffic lights continue straight on
- At Traffic lights turn left onto Weydon Lane.
If, as a parent of a pupil attending this school, you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge.