Welcome to Highfield South Farnham School PTFA.
This information has been put together by Highfield South Farnham PTFA especially for you, as a new family joining our school community. Starting school is an exciting time for the whole family. Studies show that there’s a direct link between parental involvement and how well children do, so why not get involved from the start! This booklet provides you with information about Highfield South Farnham PTFA and lets you know how you can join in.
Why do we have a PTFA?
We are fortunate at our school to have a Parent Teachers & Friends Association that is an integral part of the school community. Over the last year we have raised funds, which is being spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s educational experience and the school’s facilities. This includes developing an outdoor classroom area at the back of the school field complete with wildlife pond.
Our association is about much more than simply fundraising. Highfield PTFA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal. It’s fun too - just ask any of the Committee members or volunteers.
All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. All families are automatically members of the PTFA when their child joins our school.
Role of the Committee
There are also have a number of ordinary committee members. The Committee meet on a regular basis with smaller working groups meeting as necessary when we are planning larger events.
The Committee also hold open PTFA meetings, any member can come along, find out what the association are planning, share ideas and get involved.
The 2024/25 will be elected at the AGM on the 14th October 2024. If you are interested in any details of the roles please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
We welcome any help from parents, teachers and friends, and have a growing list of volunteers who commit some of their time to helping the association. Every little helps, so just one hour of assisting at an event or wrapping lucky dip prizes or folding raffle tickets (just a few examples) would be invaluable. If you would like to join us please speak to a committee member, come along to our next meeting or email HSFPTFA@sfet.org.uk
We are always on the look out for volunteers with skills we can make use of or who can put use in touch with local businesses who may be able to support us. We are currently asking for help from anyone who has skills that could help us develop our woodland classroom. We are currently looking to source furniture (picnic benches etc), bug houses and plants. If you have expertise in this area and/or links to local businesses that may be able to help us we would love to here from you.
Class Representatives
Our class reps play a very important role, providing a link between individual classes and parents, and the PTFA committee. The support from class reps is vital when it comes to organising our main events, from selling tickets to organising rotas of help. We really could not manage without them. If your child is in Puffins and Penguins and you would like to volunteer to take on the role or if you are unsure who your class rep is please e-mail HSFPTFA@sfet.org.uk
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our Annual General Meeting is held later this term and provides an excellent opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about our work, the events we have run, the funds we have raised and how the money has been spent. It is also when we elect our new committee members.
Support from Parentkind
Our PTFA is a member of Parentkind, which is a national charity and membership organisation providing support and guidance to over 13,500 parent associations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Membership includes comprehensive insurance cover by Zurich Insurance plc for all our association run events and gives access to support and advice on running the association plus fundraising ideas and good practice hints and tips.
Parentkind also provide resources for Parents, if you would like to sign up to their Parent e-Bulletin please visit https://www.parentkind.org.uk/Signup
How we raise money
Like most PTFAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Some of our most popular events are school discos and the annual summer and Christmas Fayres. Last year we also held a very popular quiz night and numerous raffles.
Donations from parents are extremely important. You can donate time, money, items for sale, raffle prizes and auction lots or offers of services and skills.
You can also support us when you shop online by signing up to Easyfundraising
How we spend the money we raise
The PTFA committee are responsible for deciding how our PTFA funds are spent. We do this in collaboration with the school to ensure we are enhancing the school environment.
We also invite input from parents too, so if you have an idea of something that would benefit all the students in the school, please do share it with the Committee. We can discuss it at a meeting and feedback.
Funds are typically spent on the ‘extras’ that are not provided by the school’s budget, thus making our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting. Funds are not generally spent on improving the fabric of the school building, as this is the responsibility of the school. Our Constitution commits the association to spending money on things that will benefit the children directly. Our major ongoing project which we are currently undertaking is a conversion of the area at the back of the school field into an outdoor classroom. This will be a space to be used by all children in support of their learning and when complete will include a wildlife pond, seating areas, bug boxes and a fire pit. The development of this area has been made possible not just through the funds raised but also though the many hours of time which member of the school community have donated to do the hard labour.
Last year the PTFA organised a coronation party to celebrate the King’s coronation and each pupil was given a bookmark to commemorate the event donated by the PTFA. The PTFA purchased cameras for all class teachers so that they can record their classes’ activities and the team has refurbished the Year 1 play train.
How we keep you up to date
We have a PTFA noticeboard situated at both the front and back school gates where you’ll find all our posters and news.
We provide regular updates on our activities through e-mails via ParentPay, including information about meetings, requests for volunteers, donations or services, updates on future events and information of what we are spending funds on.
If you have access to Facebook, please join our Highfield South Farnham PTFA page.
We look forward to welcoming you to our school!